I don't like it much when strange
dogs sniff on me, but I do enjoy doen the sniffen! |

Zinger & Pals |

Let's ALL play! |

I like this Golden puppy! |

I'm comen! |

Don't get carried away, Zinger!

We chased the big black dog! |

See?! |

You can't see 'em, but we was still
chasen the black dog & his ball! |

He came back with his ball, but he
was worried to have us chasen 'em. |

We like to run the fence. |

We made lots of friends! |

You can sniff me, that's OK! |

We're haven lots of fun! |

Me & Zinger really like each other! |

Let's go this way! |

We met this pretty corgi.
She's 8 years old and was real nice! |

I made even more friends! |

I'm payen attention to my mama! |

I found a stick, but nobody would
throw it for me. :-( |

See how clean I started out?! |

Hey, watcha doin in the water? |

Not sure getten wet's a good idea! |

All those big dogs sure look like
they're haven fun in the water. |

I got a little closer to the water,
but no way I'm jumpen in! |

Me & Solo terrorized this big puppy!
All we did was bark at 'em, but he got scared of us. Zinger
didn't bark at him at all. |

Hey, Solo you're getten awful close
to the water. Careful you don't fall in! |

I just couldn't resist no more!

Is that icicle I see hangen off
that log? This water's really cold! |

I found this island in the stream!
;-) |

Not sure I wanna leave my little
island. |

I climbed up this really steep bank
when I left the water. |

I saw Solo go in the water, but I
don't think I'm gonna be followen him! |

Maybe I'll get my feet wet, but
that's it. |

Well, if Solo can do this water
thing, then I can too! After all, I'm the big brother. |

This isn't so bad. |

Solo AND Brady got in, so I had to
show 'em that girls can do anything boys can do! |

We was camouflaged!

Hey Zinger, watcha sniffen? |

This is the first time I ever got in
a creek! |

OOPS! We got over to the
other side & don't know how to get back to mama! |

Maybe I can get back by walken over
this log? |

Hey, how do YOU get back over there? |

I made it back to the other side, but
I got a little dirty. BOL! BOL! |